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School Street

We are very pleased to inform you that Bowes is a 'School Street'.

A School Street is a road outside a school with a temporary restriction on motorised traffic at school drop-off and pick-up times. The restriction applies to school traffic and through traffic. The result is a safer, healthier and pleasant environment for everyone.

The partial closure on Highworth Road is between 8:30am – 9:15am, and 3:00pm – 3:45pm. If you drive down Highworth Road during these periods, after the date indicated above, you will receive a Penalty Charge Notice from the Local Authority.

If you have any questions regarding our School Street, please contact Kyri in the School Office. Please note, all Penalty Charge Notices are made by the Local Authority, not the school.

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School Street at Bowes - Update on 25th March 2024

Week Commencing 25th March 2024

Internal Governance within the Local Authority will approve the School Street report. I have been informed this will happen by the end of the week.

Week Commencing 8th April 2024

The Local Authority will write to residents of Highworth Road and parents of Bowes Primary School (which we will forward to you on their behalf) with final information about the partial closure of the road. The letter will also include details on how parents/residents can apply for blue badge exemptions. Please note, all exemptions will need to be made via the Local Authority, not the school.

Week Commencing 15th April 2024

The Local Authority will put up banners and warning signs around the school notifying the community of the implementation of the School Street. The purpose of this is to inform/remind the general public of the partial closure on Highworth Road, and to avoid potential accidents/collisions.

Week Commencing 29th April 2024

The partial closure on Highworth Road will commence between 8:30am – 9:15am, and 3:00pm – 3:45pm. If you drive down Highworth Road during these periods, after the date indicated above, you will receive a Penalty Notice Charge from the Local Authority.

Timeline of Events


School Street at Bowes - Update on 22nd February 2024

It has been some time since we have been in contact with you about the enforcement of School Streets on Highworth Road. I heard from the Local Authority at the end of the last half-term, who informed me that they have been liaising with Transport for London, and are now in a position to get the ball rolling again. Due to the time lapse since the initial correspondence, the Local Authority are now formally consulting again. The consultation went live on the 21st February 2024.

The Local Authority would like to invite residents, and anyone interested, to provide an objection or representation to the draft traffic order through the statutory consultation.

The statutory consultation is open until midnight on Sunday 17 March 2024. Any objection or representation must be made in writing, quoting the reference TG52/1542 and must state the grounds on which it is made.

Objections or representations can be made in any of the following ways:

Before completing the consultation survey, please make sure you read the information provided on the project page in the folders and the draft traffic order here which includes the map of proposed School Street.

As a brief reminder, there is a proposed ‘School Street’ restriction for Highworth Road. The restriction will be between the A406 and Union Road, for 45 minutes in the morning (8:30am – 9:15am) and the afternoon (3:00pm – 3:45pm).

Effie Demetriou


Update on 16th April 2023

As you are aware, there will be a ‘School Street’ restriction on Highworth Road, which will go live in the near future. The restriction will be between the A406 and Union Road, for 45 minutes in the morning (8:30am – 9:15am) and the afternoon (3:00pm – 3:45pm). Planters and cameras have been installed on the road in preparation for the scheme to start.

I would like to inform you that the restriction on Highworth Road has not been enforced yet. There are outstanding legal requirements that need to be addressed before the cameras go live. When the Local Authority is in a position to start enforcing, a letter will be sent to parents and residents advising them when the scheme will start. The cameras will then be switched on and warning notices will be issued for 2 weeks prior to Penalty Charge Notices.

The school was informed last week by a number of parents/residents, that they have received a warning notice for driving down Highworth Road at the proposed restricted times. In response to this, the school got in touch with my contact within Enfield Local Authority who has confirmed that warning notices have been issued in error on the Highworth Road cameras.

Therefore, if you have received a warning letter for driving down Highworth Road, please note, this has been sent to you in error and should be disregarded for now. This also stands if you receive a letter in the near future, before hearing from the school or the Local Authority, that the restriction on Highworth Road has been enforced.

The school's contact within the Local Authority has been working with parking services and has reiterated the instruction to their contractor that the cameras on Highworth Road should not have been issuing warning notices and that no Penalty Charge Notices should be issued until they are instructed by the Local Authority to do so.

We hope to be in touch again soon with an update on this and would like to pass on apologies on behalf of the Local Authority for this error.

If you have any enquiries about the School Street, please click this link for more information. Alternatively, you can contact the team directly via email to


Effie Demetriou


Update on 26th May 2022

Enfield Council are proposing a School Street for Bowes Primary School on Highworth Road, between the A406 and Union Road. A ‘School Street’ is an area transformed into a pedestrian and cycling zone operating Monday to Friday during the school term, during set times at drop-off and pick-up times. School Streets aim to:

  • ensure the safety of school students as they arrive to and leave school,
  • improve the air quality near the school, and
  • encourage more young people to walk and cycle to school.

When the School Street zone is in operation during the designated hours, motor vehicles cannot pass through the zone, except for those who have applied and received a permit or exemption.

The proposed times of operation for the Bowes Primary School Street are 8.30am to 9.15am, and 3pm to 3.45pm from Monday to Friday during the school terms only and will be enforced by a camera operated system.

We invite you to take part in the statutory consultation by Sunday 19 June 2022. Please make your representation or objection in writing stating the grounds on which it is being made and quoting the reference TG1500 no later than 11.59pm on Sunday 19 June 2022. You can write to us in any of the following ways:

Further information on School Streets and how they operate can be found at

Effie Demetriou


Previous update on 6th September 2022

We have received an update from the Local Authority regarding the School Street.

They are currently aiming to ‘go-live’ after October half term, however please note this is not confirmed. The first part of the Autumn term will be used to finalise building the School Street, implementing permitting systems and effectively rolling out communications to parents, residents and the community, to enable a smooth launch.

You may have noticed that there have been some planters installed in Highworth Road at both ends of the School Street area. The Local Authority are still awaiting the installation and set-up of the cameras from their contractor.

I will be in touch again with more information once I hear from our contact within the Local Authority.

Effie Demetriou
